Keep Your Workplace And Home Safe Using A Corrosive Storage Cabinet

by | Jan 4, 2017 | Environmental Consultant

If you work somewhere or use corrosive chemicals in your home, a safety plan is essential to make sure that you and everyone else remains safe. These materials can be dangerous, but may still be necessary to do your job. The first step is to do a safety run and note anything that is unsafe, especially when it pertains to corrosives.

Storage Options

The first thing to think about should be a corrosive storage cabinet to store everything. It is essential that the one you choose cannot leak, go down a floor drain, or find its way into a water supply. Likewise, improperly stored corrosives can lead to immediate danger to your employees and facility, as well as your property.


If you go to EcoSpill, you’re likely to find a wide variety of storage cabinets and options. Make sure that the one you choose is designed for corrosive materials. This way, if the container leaks, there is no problem because it won’t escape the container. Then, it can be cleaned up easily with a spill kit, which should be nearby to the cabinet.

How To Choose

It’s not enough to just purchase a cabinet that claims it is for corrosives. You must ensure that it is made of high-quality materials, including double walls, moveable shelves, epoxy powder coatings, safety labels and other safety features. Likewise, each storage cabinet is designed for a particular corrosive material, so it’s best to know what you’re going to be storing before purchasing cabinets to hold them.

Make sure that your supplier is knowledgeable. Ask them questions about various materials and options for storing them. They should be able to help you find the best equipment and cabinets to suit all of your needs. Like us on Facebook.

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